
Make one thing every day, wander like a gypsy, and shine happiness like the sun

I’m Blushing:)

My humble thanks goes to who so kindly nominated me for a Liebster Award!  The only other nominations I’ve ever received usually involve cutting out thousands of tiny box tops from boxes of granola bars.  I’m not entirely WordPress certified, so I’m not exactly sure how to link or nominate others, but I’m going to do my best.  I do know how to copy and paste (thanks to my ten-year old), which I did with …

The Rules

  1. Thank and link back to the blogger who presented you with the award.
  2. List 11 random facts about yourself
  3. Answer 11 random questions
  4. Create 11 random questions for your nominees
  5. Present/nominate a Liebster Blog Award to more newbie bloggers!  (no tag backs)

So here goes:

Random facts:

1.I could live on licorice, salsa, pizza, and saltines

2.I wish I could do back flips.

3. I talked to my stuffed animals with pretend walkie-talkies when I was a kid.

4.I feel compelled to save any plant from the trash of from being trampled.

5. I also feel compelled to save earth worms on the sidewalk that are too far from the dirt.

6.I’m ashamed that I’m a fiber hoarder (not the prune kind of fiber)

7.I buy things at estate sales because I feel badly that someone’s treasures may be forgotten.

8.I would change the names of all my children to something outrageous. Think Ziggy (actually my dog’s name) or Moon Unit. No one ever forgets those names.

9.I wanted to set up a tattoo stand in a country store when I was a kid.

10.I read obituaries daily.  I feel like it honors the lives of people I’ve never met.  Sometimes it inspires me to try to be a better or more interesting person.

11. I have a Rainman like ability to remember birthdays.

Questions from Gray:

1. Favorite crochet pattern:  Usually changes to whatever I’m working on RIGHT NOW.  Yes, sadly I have CrochetDD (like ADD).  So, now that would be peeps. (I’ll post pics in an upcoming blog)

2.Favorite meal to cook: Homemade pizza

3.Favorite band: Collective Soul and SilversunPickups

4.Glass half empty/half full:  I WISH I was half full; in reality I’m a half empty 😦

5.Purpose of blog:  To chronicle my projects and give me a benchmark for what I actually do accomplish, as opposed to what I just dream about doing while I’m doing something else.

6.Favorite websites: etsy, homepath, craigslist, spoonflower, lark, storey

7.Incense, candles, or room spray: Incense-nag champa or patchouli.  I should have been of age at Woodstock.

8.Superpower for a day and why: Is mindreading a superpower?  How many milliseconds til I asked “Do these jeans make my butt look big?”

9.To go back in time and talk to anyone and why:  Wow-tough one.  I love historical fiction, and I think this of every character I read about. Anne Boleyn, Henry VII, Clara Barton. And also Fred Rogers.

10.Favorite animal: Skunk.  Really.  I think they’re so adorable and so misunderstood.

11.Favorite childhood memory: I had a very eclectic childhood, so there’s lots of fun memories.  Maybe eating sticky rice from street vendors in Bangkok, or walking through souks in Saudi Arabia.  Catching buses to New York and wandering around Manhattan, skating in Peachtree Park in Atlanta.


1. Gwenniesgarden.wordpress



4.MMM..Meditation, Mental health, and Mindful crochet at delemares.wordpress

Questions for Nominees:

1. If you could move to any place/county, what would it be?

2.Would you turn your hobby/craft into a job?

3.What age in your life would you go back to and why?

4.What is your dream job?

5. What job would you never want to do?

6. Best present you ever received?

7. Best advice you’ve ever received?

8.Ideal vacation?

9. Favorite type of food (Chinese, Mexican, Vietnamese, etc.)?

10.Would you rather be president (prime minister, etc) or royalty?

11. If you lost one of your senses (sight, hearing, etc.) which could you live without?


So my most humble thanks again to Gray and I hope my nominees have as much fun as I did!  Best wishes for a happy weekend!


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